Kensington bios

Our Promise: We believe in unconditional positive regard for our clients and community and are committed to operating and practicing through a lens of non-judgment and acceptance. We will operate ethically and consciously in all areas of our work. We will seek awareness, reflection, and feedback in our programs and service offerings.
We will collaborate and connect to ensure that our space is client driven, ethically minded, and leaves our clients and communities better off. We are committed to guiding you towards the tools needed for change in whatever meaningful way our clients and communities need for true growth and healing.


Brandon Nabrotzky

Psychotherapist & Clinical Counsellor

Languages: English, Hungarian, French, German, Spanish

What is the job of a counselling therapist? I believe it to be rooted in empowerment; in helping you to find within yourself and your environment the strength, knowledge, insight, hope, direction, courage, and confidence that were always there waiting to be found and tapped into, but which for whatever reason(s) evaded notice or access for a sustained period.

As a psychotherapist, I am dedicated to doing everything in my power to help you remove those barriers that are holding you back from enjoying your life, your vocation, your free-time, and your relationships (including your relationship with yourself!) to the fullest. This may include pushing through clouds of depression or navigating anxieties. It may include managing your relationships and social environment to be more conducive to safety, comfort, and growth. It may include stepping into, feeling, and regulating emotions that are currently hard for you to handle, and learning both to navigate and communicate these. It may include processing betrayal, grief, disappointment or loss. It may include working through identity cohesion – be it cultural, sexual, spiritual, or otherwise. It may include overcoming an addiction. It may include something else. In all instances, it will include growth in comfort, peace of mind, self-esteem and self-confidence. It will not always be easy or comfortable – stretching and growth never are – but my conviction is that you will find strength, encouragement, and peace in not having to face it alone.

A Bit About Me: I love learning and am deeply inquisitive. I love exploring languages and cultures. I love diversity and plurality of thought, and exploring the world and its lived experiences through different perspectives. I enjoy music, theater, film, food (I’m a bit of a foodie), and spending time in nature.

Educational Background:

  • B.S. Psychology w/ language studies | Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

  • M.A. Clinical Psychology | International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin, Germany

Approach: While my educational training was based in the psychoanalytic/psychodynamic tradition, I am also familiar with other modalities such as CBT and DBT. I adjust my therapeutic approach to the individual needs of the client. My personal affinities tend more towards humanistic (client-centred) and hermeneutic (interpretive, symbolic, or meaning-making) traditions. I am also comfortable incorporating spirituality and/or dreamwork in my therapeutic practice.

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